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Tourist attraction Ketep Pass in Magelang

Tourist attraction Ketep Pass in Magelang, see the beauty of Mount Merapi and Merbabu from the top of the hill - The scenery composed of mountains, is a scenery always hunted by humans. That's because it is scenery of the mountains along the cool atmosphere can reassure our hearts and can be used as refreshing from the busyness of our daily work. If you want to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery, you can get it in one of the tourist attraction located in Magelang is Ketep Pass. Ketep Pass is located on a hill adjacent to two major mountains are Mount Merapi and Merbabu. Besides the beautiful scenery on these Tourist attraction, you can enjoy variety of interesting culinary as well as wide range of unique facilities. Here is a few review of the tourist attraction Ketep Pass in Magelang, Central Java. Beside famous with beautiful scenery, tourist attraction Ketep Pass in Magelang also a tourist attraction pluck strowberry contained in around tourist attraction Ketep Pass. The location is not far from the tourist attraction Ketep Pass. So you can really going to enjoy the cool mountain atmosphere complete with a rustic atmosphere and strawberry plantations in the surrounding areas.

The location of Ketep Pass
Tourist attractions Ketep Pass is situated on the hilltop of Sawangan in the Ketep village, Sawangan subdistrict, Magelang regency, Central Java. This location is on the edge of the lane Solo-Selo-Borobudur. If you from Solo city, then you must passing lane toward Boyolali city, then toward Magelang through Selo. Before you until Magelang there will be a signpost towards tourist attraction Ketep Pass.

Ketep Pass

The facilities of Ketep Pass
In the tourist attraction Ketep Pass there are wide range of facilities that have been built for the convenience of visitors. The facilities include:
  1. Ketep volcano center => A building called the museum with an area of approximately 550 square meters. A museum that includes vulcanologi stand miniature Mount Merapi. Interactive computer that contains documents about the volcano. Some examples of rocks evidence eruption from year to year. Poster-sized eagle crest 3x3m. Posters early warning lava of Mount Merapi.
  2. Mini cinema Ketep volcano theatre => Mini cinema is a very unique facility in tourist attraction Ketep Pass. This building functions like a cinema but a small sized with a capacity of 78 seats. The film is a documentary film about the eruption of Mount Merapi, the hiking trail of Mount Merapi, Mount Merapi research etc.
  3. Binocular => There are two binoculars in the tourist area Ketep Pass which you can use to see the peak of Mount Merapi. At any given time you can see an amazing view of Mount Merapi. But sometimes when it is cloudy mountain peak can not be seen.
  4. Substation of view => Gazebo in the form of 2 pieces each with the size of the rectangular and octagonal building with side length of five meters. Substation of view here is gazebo-shaped building that can be used to enjoy the beauty of Mount Merapi and Merbabu. You can see the expanse of fertile agricultural land planted with vegetables and fruits.
  5. The Panca Arga yard => Panca Arga in the Java language has a meaning 'five mountains'. As the name implies, in this yard you can see scenery five mountains at once. Namely the Mount Merapi, Sindoro, Merbabu, Slamet and Sumbing. Besides the five mountains, you can still see and enjoy the small mountains and hills were very beautiful. Among others Mount Andong, Mount Tidar, Mount Pring, Menoreh hill, Telo Moyo hill, etc.
  6. The public facilities => The public facilities that are at Ketep Pass is very complete. Starting from the mosque, toilets, parking as well as row of stalls selling ready meals and snacks typical Magelang such as grilled corn, mendoan, etc. There is also a restaurant. Here visitors can enjoy a menu that is served by the restaurant Ketep Pass according to your taste. Building on top Ketep volcano theatre glass-walled, it is very suitable for visitors while eating dishes available. Also enjoy the beautiful panorama at the foot of Mount Merapi and Merbabu.

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