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Various interesting tourist attractions in Kopeng

Enjoy various interesting tourist attractions in Kopeng, Semarang - Kopeng tourist area is in the regency of Semarang, Central Java. However, because of its location adjacent to the city of Salatiga, many consider that the tourist area in Kopeng entry in the administrative area of Salatiga. Location of Kopeng tourist area located on the edge of the path Salatiga-Magelang or precisely in the village of Kopeng, Getasan subdistrict, Semarang regency. Kopeng tourist area is on the slopes of Mount Merbabu. So, the cool atmosphere deeply felt in this area. If you pass the path Kopeng, tourist area very obvious that with the proliferation of a wide various hotels, lodges and inns are numerous in the region Kopeng.

Addition to famous for its beauty, on the other hand tourism area Kopeng also store the negative sides. It was not separated from the mushrooming of hotels, inns and villas are scattered in this tourist area. Why so negative side? Because it is recognized or not, a variety of lodging is often used as a nasty place for couples outside of marriage or a smooth operator. Because in some locations also provide comfort women. These places are usually under the guise of lodging and karaoke.

As we say in the above that Kopeng is a tourist area. There are several tourist spots that you can enjoy with your family. Tourism management are managed state enterprises, government and private parties. Here are some existing tourist attractions in the tourist area Kopeng, Semarang, among others :
  • Agrotourism Kopeng => Kopeng village area, subdistrict of Getasan, Semarang regency as an area located on the slopes of the mountain Merbabu has potential in the agricultural sector are large. There are a wide variety of agricultural commodities that could be developed here that most of the group horticulture or vegetables and fruits. Vegetables that can be developed in Kopeng for example melon, carrots, cabbage, peppers, lettuce, squash, etc. A wide variety of vegetables results from garden in Kopeng has become a commodity that is widely used as souvenirs for tourists.
    Agrotourism Kopeng
  • Umbul Songo => The next tour destination in the region Kopeng is Umbul Songo. Arguably the Umbul Songo tour is a tourist place that is hidden. To reach this place, required an overland trip through the path and through the woods in a tourist area Kopeng. Cool atmosphere typical of the mountains is clearly felt in this place. After a which is quite tiring journey, you will be treated to a view of the waterfall is amazingly beautiful. Umbul Songo is located between Mount Merbabu, mountain Telomoyo and Andong. While Umbul Songo altitude is 1,450 meters above sea level.
    Waterfall Umbul Songo
  • Mountaineering Merbabu => Mount Merbabu is one that is becoming a favorite among mountain climbers in Indonesia. Mount Merbabu last erupted in 1797. So the condition of the mountain Merbabu this time like he was asleep. Mount Merbabu adjacent to Mount Merapi and adjacent to Mount Ungaran, Sindoro and Sumbing. It was made scenery at the top of the mountain is very beautiful Merbabu. To climb Mount Merbabu you can go through the path of Selo, Boyolali and also from Kopeng, Semarang. Most climbers will take the route of mountaineering Merbabu of Kopeng and down via Selo. So it can feel two different paths.
    Mountaineering Merbabu
  • Kopeng tourism park => Kopeng tourism park is one of the tours contained in the tourist area Kopeng. There are various facilities available at the tourist park Kopeng. Starting from gardening 4.17 hectares, waterpark, playground, outbound centre, family resort, ATV, VIP family karaoke, hall, shirts corner, fun bilyard, coffee shop and restaurant. With various facilities available, coupled with the cool atmosphere typical of the mountains, making Kopeng tourism park into a pleasant tourist destination. Visitors who come usually from the entourage of family, community or corporate enterprise.
    Kopeng tourism park

Similarly, a review of some existing tourist attractions in the tourist area Kopeng. Hopefully this information can be used as a reference for those of you who will be traveling to Kopeng, Semarang, Central Java.

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