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Tourist attraction Long Island is still a virgin

Travel to Long island charming in Jepara - In the city of Jepara there are islands so beautiful. One of them is the length of the island. Long Island categorized as small islands located in the village of Ujung Batu, subdistrict of Jepara, Jepara regency, Central Java. This island is an island that is a virgin or not much touched people. This island is still so natural and quiet. Thus become its own attraction for tourists who want to vacation here. In the city of Jepara, in addition to Karimunjawa island, long island also presents a variety of beauty that is not inferior to the beauty of the other islands that exist in this city.

Long Island is located around 2.5 kilometers to the west of Kartini beach. To reach the Long Island, you simply use tourist boats at a cost of IDR 10,000 up to IDR 15,000 per person, with a travel time of about 10 minutes. To visit the Long Island can also be done through the dock at the Bandengan beach. When you arrive at the entrance to Long Island you are immediately greeted with the beauty of nature is still natural. This island is also has a tropical forest that has a small size overgrown with large trees. So you can roam the forest night if you want.

Long island

Besides the natural beauty, this island also has beautiful beaches with stretch of white sand is fine and gorgeous. The morning air was fresh and cool as well as the scenery is breathtaking. So it is a pity to miss. Beach with small waves and surrounded by shallow seas so its safe for you who want to swim or dive. In addition, you can also enjoy the beauty of nature by walking around on the beach. The water of this beach is so clear and there are many coral reefs so beautiful and can attract tourists who want to snorkel or dive.

Trees on Long island

Besides the beach, in Long Island there is also a cemetery territory that is Tomb of Sheikh Abu Bakr ibn Yahya Ba'alawy. He is one of the spreader of Islam in Jepara. Currently the tomb of Sheikh Abu Bakr ibn Yahya Ba'alawy've pretty much visited by pilgrims. Unfortunately, because there is no development of related department, it has not been a lot of public facilities that are available. If there are hotels, inns, villas, or resort on Long Island, the pilgrims can rest in these places.

Besides the beauty that we mentioned above, there are many more beauty found in Long Island. So for those of you who are curious about the beauty of Long Island, you can come and see the beauty of Long Island.

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