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Tourist attraction Kedung Ombo reservoir

Beauty of tourist attraction Kedung Ombo reservoir in Central Java - Kedung Ombo reservoir is a giant dam located in Central Java. This reservoir has an area of 6576 hectares and occupies three regency area, namely Grobogan regency, Sragen regency and Boyolali regency. The existence Kedung Ombo reservoir is particularly useful as a means of irrigation for rice fields are in Grobogan regency and surrounding areas. In addition as irrigation facilities, Kedung Ombo reservoir also be developed as a tourist attraction with huge potential. One of the spot in tourist attraction Kedung Ombo reservoir most visited by tourists is in the village of Kedung Ombo, subdistrict of Geyer, Grobogan regency.

The function of Kedung Ombo reservoir
As has been noted above that the main function Kedung Ombo reservoir is as a means of irrigation. There are more than 60,000 hectares of rice fields can be irrigated with water from Kedung Ombo reservoir. Rice fields irrigated by Kedung Ombo reservoir is located in regency areas Grobogan, Boyolali, Sragen, Demak, Boyolali, Pati and Kudus. Aside from being a provider of irrigation for agricultural land, Kedung Ombo reservoir is also used for raw water supply, power generation magnitude of 22.5 megawatts, mitigate flooding, as a place tourism, fisheries, with the cages and fishing.

The beauty of Kedung Ombo reservoir 
It is no wonder if Kedung Ombo reservoir visited by many tourists, because Kedung Ombo reservoir offers stunning natural beauty. You can see directly the giant dam that became the pride of the citizens of Central Java. Around the reservoir you can see how this reservoir is made. Around the reservoir itself also looks neat. Around Kedung Ombo reservoir overgrown with dense forest that is managed by Perhutani.

Kedung Ombo reservoir

Facilities at tourist attraction Kedung Ombo reservoir 
As a tourist attraction, Kedung Ombo reservoir has been developed in such a way so as to make the visitors comfortable. There are several fishing spots that are ready to serve visitors by presenting a variety of freshwater fish dishes. If you want to look further into the reservoir you can also rent a motor boat that can take you surround area Kedung Ombo reservoir. Along Kedung Ombo reservoir also found many hobbyists fishing who try their luck fishing freshwater, especially in the holiday season.

The case of Kedung Ombo reservoir 
Tourist attraction Kedung Ombo reservoir did have a beautiful view and has enormous benefits for the surrounding communities. But behind it all, Kedung Ombo reservoir store extremely melancholy story. The story relates to the refusal of the villagers whose land will be used as the location for manufacture of Kedung Ombo reservoir. Residents refused because reluctant to leave their land and also because of land compensation is very small. Residents who do not want to move a lot of experience threats, terror and persecution from the authorities. The full story can be read on a complete source of Wikipedia.

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